Grinding Unit

The Grinding Unit of the IBC has been designed and put into operation in line with the manufacturing goals and policies from the very beginning of the founding in 1969 to grind the components of deep-groove taper bearings. With all kinds of universal and specialized grinding machines for grinding all surfaces, such as abrasive (centerless) and front grinding, internal grinding, and form grinding and also for polishing and honing the component surfaces, as well as steel work pieces with high precisions in terms of dimensional and geometric tolerances, this unit is responsible for needs within the company and also other outside industries.
 Using scientific power, experience, and expertise of the experts and high precision of its equipments, the Grinding Unit in IBC offers engineering and manufacturing services to other industrial centers, in addition to supplying the internal needs of the complex, having special capabilities in this area, numerous cooperation with industrial centers in terms of interactions in expertise and engineering services, as well as offering services in terms of grinding the industrial pieces. Supplying different types of required bearings and grinding of special components used in the Ministry of Defense, aviation industry, and companies like IRAN KHODRO, SAIPA, IRAN KHODRO DIESEL, MEGAMOTOR, CHARKHESHGAR, MOTOGEN, PISTOONSAZI, and others are among these co-operations.   
The Grinding Unit along with other units of this complex is proud of effective role in the country's industry by relying on the past experience, technology, expertise, and scientific knowledge beside the people struggling for the country's industry.

About us

IRANIAN BEARING COMPANY (IBC) has been established in 30 October 1969 in partnership with the SKF Swedish Company. This company manufactures ball bearing and taper roller bearings based on specifications provided by the ISO (International Standard Organization).

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  • Address: Iranian Bearing Company, West Industrial Zone, Tabriz, Iran
  • Tel : 00984134451031-3
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